How to uplift your children
and gain more joy as a mom.
Modify your MINDSET and Maximize your MOMENTS
1. Build more meaningful connections with your kids.
2. Build trust with Jackie, who
has been in your shoes.
3. Build friendships with great moms who are raising exceptional kids.

"But I don't have the time to do anything else.
I'm too stressed and overwhelmed just being a mom."
Who has the time to add another thing to the calendar?
But helping our children become their best selves should jump to the top of our lists.
If you agree, come discover the joy in UNPUSHing your kids to success!
Join me to discover how in just MINUTES a week
you can learn how to MAXIMIZE your MOM MOMENTS.
Let me shower you with helpful content,
support you with unique coaching and connect you with like-minded moms.
Schedule a FREE 15-min UNPUSHy call to see if you are ready to begin reclaiming some of your precious time and energy.